Each player is dealt 17 cards.
From those 17 cards, you create 3 different poker hands/rows containing 5 cards each.
Your cards can be moved from one hand/row to another, making 3 of the best poker hands possible (see below for the hierarchy of poker hands).
Once you have made the best 3 poker hands possible, you will discard the 2 cards you did not use.
Then you create 3 grids with each poker hand in whatever order you choose. After your grids have been decided, your hands will be submitted, and you can no longer make any changes, and each hand will be compared to their opponents’ hands as follows:
- Grid 1 for each player will be compared, and the winner will get the points for that grid.
- Grid 2 for each player will be compared, and the winner will get the points for that grid.
- Grid 3 for each player will be compared, and the winner will get the points for that grid.
The points will then be added up for each player for that game. Another game will begin, and more points will be added to the scores. The games will continue until a specific number of points have been reached. The player who reaches this amount first is the winner of the tournament.